Strongly Self-absorbing actions on the Jiang-Su algebra

Qingyun Wang 王青云  (University of Oregon)

10:00- 11:00, July 21, 2017   Science Building A1510


In this talk, we shall construct, for any finite group $G$, and action $\alpha$ of $G$ on the Jiang-Su algebra which we call the model action. The model action is strongly outer, and is conjugate to the tensor product of two copies of the model action. Moreover, we show that, if $A$ is any simple separable unital nuclear C*-algebra which tensorially absorbs the Jiang-Su algebra and has a reasonable 'nice' trace space, then any strongly outer action of $G$ on $A$ will tensorially absorbs our model action. This could be viewed as a C*-analogue of the model actions for actions on von Neumann algebras constructed by Connes, Jones and Ocneanu, or an equivariant version of the Jiang-Su algebra.

About the speaker:
